How can put page numbers in the center of the page footer in the following code
var val = htmlToPdfmake(html_all);
var dd = {
content: [val],
styles:{'html-table':{alignment:'center'},'html-th':{color:'green'},'html-h5':{color:'blue', alignment:'center'}},
pageOrientation: 'portrait', pageMargins: [40,60,40,30],
footer: function(currentPage, pageCount) { return 'Page: ' + currentPage.toString() + ' of ' + pageCount; }
Finally! I got the solution
var val = htmlToPdfmake(html_all);
var dd = {
content: [val],
styles:{'html-table':{alignment:'center'},'html-th':{color:'green'},'html-h5':{color:'blue', alignment:'center'}},
pageOrientation: 'portrait', pageMargins: [40,60,40,30],
footer: function (currentPage, pageCount) {return {table: { widths: [ "*"],body: [[{text: 'Page: ' + currentPage.toString() + ' of ' + pageCount, alignment: 'center'}]]},};},