I am trying to print a single byte from my buffer into stdout, but I am not getting any output, I have looked up how to print a single byte, and it IS in fact getting stored/moved as expected (Used gdb to debug). the byte even gets saved to ecx
at the end but there isn't any output. What could be the issue?
I am new to assembly and have been banging my head for several hours now. Thank you for the help.
global _start
section .data
buffer: times 100 db 0
section .start
mov eax, 3
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, buffer ; Enter input, example: 12345
mov edx, 10
int 80h
movzx esi, byte [buffer+1] ; Extract one byte from the input buffer: Successful
push esi ; Byte is successfully pushed
pop edi ; Byte gets successfully popped
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, edi ; Here's the issue, it gets saved to ecx but no output
mov edx, 15
int 80h
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 0
int 80h
` As is aid, if i input "12345" the byte "2" (or 0x32) IS getting pushed/popped/moved correctly, it's just not printing Thank you
mov ecx, edi ; Here's the issue
Function sys_write
expects ecx
to point at the string but you loaded ecx=0x00000032
which doesn't point anywhere.
Replace mov ecx, edi
with mov ecx, buffer+1
and mov edx, 15
with mov edx,1
to print just one character.