I am using openapi-generator-maven-plugin for code generation
And I need to have @PreAuthorize annotation on precise API method.
public class SomeController implements SomeApi {
@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_USER_ADMIN') || hasRole('ROLE_DIGITAL_REP') || hasRole('ROLE_FIELD_REP')")
public ResponseEntity<SomeDto> getSomeInfo() {
return ResponseEntity
.body("some info");
It does not work because you can't use Spring annotations inside class (SomeApi calls overriden version of getSomeInfo inside). So my question is - is that possible to add @PreAuthorize for API endpoint during code generation step ? I've found discussion here https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/issues/1975, but it is not clear was tis solved or not.
I've managed to do it by custom templates. Here is the nice video about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp2y15Xgk9g&t=1175s&ab_channel=Cloud-NativeDevelopment and my custom template looks like this:
method = RequestMethod.{{httpMethod}},
value = "{{{path}}}"{{#singleContentTypes}}{{#hasProduces}},
produces = "{{{vendorExtensions.x-accepts}}}"{{/hasProduces}}{{#hasConsumes}},
consumes = "{{{vendorExtensions.x-content-type}}}"{{/hasConsumes}}{{/singleContentTypes}}{{^singleContentTypes}}{{#hasProduces}},
produces = { {{#produces}}"{{{mediaType}}}"{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/produces}} }{{/hasProduces}}{{#hasConsumes}},
consumes = { {{#consumes}}"{{{mediaType}}}"{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/consumes}} }{{/hasConsumes}}{{/singleContentTypes}}
and yml looks like this:
operationId: someOperation
x-custom-role: "hasRole('ROLE_USER_ADMIN')