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Gradle fails to download package from Github Package Registry

Uploading the public package with gradle works:

But I am unable to download it. I tried different URL-s and package names, but none of them work.

According to documentation the correct URL-s should be:

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""
        credentials {
            username =['hmGithubUser']
            password =['hmGithubToken']

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.ttiganik:test:1.0.0'

The credentials are the same as for uploading.

gradle installDebug says it looks from the correct location:

> Could not find com.ttiganik:test:1.0.0.
  Searched in the following locations:
  Required by:

but it doesn't install it.

If I comment out the credentials in maven repository, it says 401 unauthorised. So the location seems to be correct.

What is wrong with my GPR configuration?


  • The problem was that I didn't include correct package name. You need to include package name 2x.

    -     implementation 'com.ttiganik:test:1.0.0'
    +     implementation 'com.ttiganik.test:test:1.0.0'

    It's easier to just copy the dependency straight from Github. They include the correct name