I am new to Unity so Im making a flappy bird game to learn the basics. When creating the score, I had to tranform an int variable int oa string variable, but it doesnt work. Here is the code (Written in Visual Studio):
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class LogicScript : MonoBehaviour
public int PlayerScore;
public Text ScoreText;
public void addScore()
PlayerScore = PlayerScore + 1;
ScoreText = PlayerScore.ToString();
The ToString method at the end doesnt work. It gives me the following error: You cannot transform type string in UnityEngine.UI.Text. I dont understand it. I dont know a lot of Unity so some help would be apreciated. Thanks!
I was trying to make a flappy bird score. I tryed making a variable with that information (string PlayerScoreText = PlayerScore.ToString();), finding other methods that could help, closing and reopening the game and trying to understand what the error means but I dont know whats wrong
It looks like what you're doing is 90% correct but you are missing your ScoreText is needing the .text after it.
ScoreText.text = PlayerScore.ToString();
The Unity documentation shows it also like this. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/unity/unity_text_element.htm