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Throw custom exception when item not found in a Kotlin collection

I want to find a person from a list, or throw a PersonNotFoundException otherwise.

The first() function from kotlin.collections throws NoSuchElementException in this scenario, but I want to throw my custom exception i.e. PersonNotFoundException.

Currently I'm using the following logic:

val persons: List<Person> = listOf(...)
val name: String = "Bob"

persons.firstOrNull { == name
}.let {
  it ?: throw PersonNotFoundException("No person was found with name $name")

But I'm not quite satisfied with it. It feels that there is some existing function for this use case that I'm not aware of.

Can anyone help me improve it?


  • You don't even need let. All let does is it lets you refer to the found thing using it.

    The code can be shortened to the more idiomatic:

    persons.firstOrNull { == name
    } ?: throw PersonNotFoundException("No person was found with name $name")