I have a large YAML file (~5MB) and I need to parse it using Kotlin/JVM.
I tried using the streaming API of Jackson 2.14.1, but it throws:
com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.JacksonYAMLParseException: The incoming YAML document exceeds the limit: 3145728 code points.
at [Source: (ZipInputStream); line: 122415, column: 9]
Caused by: org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.YAMLException: The incoming YAML document exceeds the limit: 3145728 code points.
My YAML file is a large dictionary with roughly 5k keys, and a small document is associated to each key. I stream the root keys and parse each associated document with the JsonParser.readValueAs() method. Since I was streaming, I expected there would be no issue regarding the size of the dictionary, as long as each sub-document is small enough. But well, there is. I checked the document that fails to parse, at line 122415, and it is neither large (it is 1.5KB) nor ill formed (according to https://www.yamllint.com/).
My code is:
class Parser(
@Qualifier("yamlMapper") private val yamlMapper: ObjectMapper,
) {
fun parse(input: InputStream): Flow<Item> = flow {
val parser = yamlMapper.factory.createParser(input)
parser.use {
var token = parser.nextToken()
while (token != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
if (token != JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
throw JsonParseException(parser, "Expected FIELD_NAME but was $token")
token = parser.nextToken()
fun JsonParser.requireToken(expected: JsonToken?) {
val actual = nextToken()
if (actual != expected) {
throw JsonParseException(this, "Expected ${expected ?: "end of file"} but was $actual")
After digging Jackson's documentation, it turns out this is quite easy. I needed to configure the YAMLFactory when creating the ObjectMapper:
class Main {
fun yamlMapper(): ObjectMapper =
.loaderOptions(LoaderOptions().apply {
codePointLimit = 100 * 1024 * 1024 // 100MB