I'm new to DBT and Jinja and wondering if it is possible to dynamically define a list using a SQL query. Instead of manually declaring the items of the list like:
{% set myOrders = [123,234, 345, 456, 567] %}
Define the list with a SQL query, something like this:
{% set myOrders = SELECT DISTINCT OrderNum FROM OrdersTable ORDER BY OrderNum %}
Is this possible?
Yes! Not quite as you've written it, but this is supported.
First, a note that this is inherently difficult because DBT typically runs in two phases:
But there is a construction, {% if execute %}, that allows you to defer compilation to the execution stage.
Straightforwardly adapting the example in the docs for your use case:
{% set my_orders_query %}
FROM {{ ref('OrdersTable') }}
{% endset %}
{% set rows = run_query(my_orders_query) %}
{% if execute %}
{# Return the first column #}
{% set myOrders = rows.columns[0].values() %}
{% else %}
{% set myOrders = [] %}
{% endif %}