I'm using select2 for my woocommerce page, which worked pretty good so far. The problem that I have is that only in Safari (MacBook, iMac) the page starts to jump to the bottom, after someone makes a selection from the dropdown field. I didn't made any changes on the JavaScript code, so it's the original Select2. Is this a Safari Bug or Select2.
I uploaded a demo product to see the problem
also I created a gif on giphy of the problem, to see it in action.
<span class="selection">
<span class="select2-selection select2-selection--single" role="combobox" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" tabindex="0" aria-labelledby="select2-test-container">
<span class="select2-selection__rendered" id="select2-test-container" title="test">test</span>
<span class="select2-selection__arrow" role="presentation"><b role="presentation"></b></span></span>
Try updating jQuery.
We experienced this same issue with being dropped to the bottom of the page after a selection (only in Safari) even on the latest version of select2 (4.1). Updating jQuery from version 3.3.1 to 3.6.1 immediately corrected it in our case.