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Calculate Dropbox's Content Hash locally in Dart/Flutter

I'm trying to calculate the content_hash of a Dropbox file, following their algorithm, Dropbox docs here, however, I cannot get the overall hash (result of Step 4) correct.

I can produce the correct hashes on each block, so I suspect the issue starts with the conversion to the concantenated binary string (Step 3).

Per Dropbox's docs, there are 4 steps involved:

  1. Split the file into blocks of 4 MB (4,194,304 or 4 * 1024 * 1024 bytes). The last block (if any) may be smaller than 4 MB.
  2. Compute the hash of each block using SHA-256.
  3. Concatenate the hash of all blocks in the binary format to form a single binary string.
  4. Compute the hash of the concatenated string using SHA-256. Output the resulting hash in hexadecimal format.

They provide an example, with the resulting hash values, which I can only replicate up to step 2 (unfortunately, they do not provide an example of the single binary string for Step 3)

My code is as follows:

Future<void> getDropContentHash() async {

  String getHash(List<int> bytes) => sha256.convert(bytes).toString();

  String toBinary(String string) {
    /// converting string to binary string, following this SO Answer
    return => x.toRadixString(2).padLeft(8, '0')).join();

  /// Nasa Milky Way Example:
  final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(''));
  final bytes = response.bodyBytes;

  /// Step 1: 
  /// Split the file into blocks of 4 MB (4,194,304 or 4 * 1024 * 1024 bytes). The last block (if any) may be smaller than 4 MB.

  final chunks = bytes.slices(4 * 1024 * 1024);
  print(chunks.length); // 3, as expected in the Nasa example

  /// Step 2: 
  /// Compute the hash of each block using SHA-256.
  final chunkHashes = <String>[];
  for(final chunk in chunks) {
    final blockHash = getHash(chunk);

  Per the docs, the chunkHashes are correct:

  /// Step 3: 
  /// Concatenate the hash of all blocks in the binary format to form a single binary string.
  /// I suspect the issue with the `toBinary` method, converting to a single binary string:
  final concatenatedString = => toBinary(chunkHash)).join();

  /// Step 4: 
  /// Compute the hash of the concatenated string using SHA-256. Output the resulting hash in hexadecimal format.
  final contentHash = getHash(concatenatedString.codeUnits);

  Does NOT yield the correct value of:

  Instead, it yields:


Can anyone help me get the correct overall hash of 485291fa0ee50c016982abbfa943957bcd231aae0492ccbaa22c58e3997b35e0?


  • I figured it out. I did not need to convert to binary string. I just needed to continue working with bytes, and only convert to a string after the overall hash (step 4)

    The resulting code (simplified & refactored) to calculate the Dropbox content hash locally:

      Future<void> hashNasaImage() async {
        final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(''));
        final bytes = response.bodyBytes;
        final contentHash = getDropContentHash(bytes);
        // 485291fa0ee50c016982abbfa943957bcd231aae0492ccbaa22c58e3997b35e0
      String getDropContentHash(List<int> bytes) {
        List<int> getHash(List<int> bytes) => sha256.convert(bytes).bytes;    
        final chunks = bytes.slices(4 * 1024 * 1024);
        final chunkHashes = chunks.fold(<int>[], (buffer, chunk) => buffer..addAll(getHash(chunk)));
        return Digest(getHash(chunkHashes)).toString();