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Flutter xcodebuild: error: Unable to find a destination matching the provided destination specifier

I have built a Flutter app. Everything was working fine until I tried to launch it on a physical device. After struggling to find a solution, I changed the Xcode configuration from debug to release and I am now able to launch the app on the physical device (by running flutter run --profile). But now, I can not succeed in launching it on the simulator. I receive the error :

xcodebuild: error: Unable to find a destination matching the provided destination specifier:
            { id:C80BB36C-4498-4641-92D8-F69090A819A9 }

When I plug the device and run flutter run --profile, he asks me on which profile I want to run the app:

[1]: iPhone de Bernard (00008110-0012642011B8801E)
[2]: iPhone 14 (C80BB36C-4498-4641-92D8-F69090A819A9)
[3]: macOS (macos)
[4]: Chrome (chrome)

The iPhone 14 that Flutter proposes in the profiles is the one that is not found when I try to run the app from Android Studio on the simulator for iPhone 14.

Flutter doctor :

[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.10.5, on macOS 13.4.1 22F82 darwin-arm64, locale fr-BE)
[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 33.0.2)
[✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 14.3.1)
[✓] Chrome - develop for the web
[✓] Android Studio (version 2022.2)
[✓] Connected device (3 available)
[✓] Network resources

• No issues found!

and Xcode 14.3.1


  • Thanks to this thread, my problem is solved.


    1. Open Xcode
    2. Click Runner (Root)
    3. Click Build Settings
    4. Change "supported platforms" from Iphoneos to iOS