I have created a c#-project in Visual Studio 2022 which is using the nuget-package "Microsoft.Data.SqlClient". This package brings along about 60(!) dll, so that my \bin\release folder is now really full.
To get more clarity in this folder, I was wondering if these dll could be placed in a subdirectory of \bin\release, for example \bin\release\dll.
I'm also wondering why there are *.xml and *.pdb files genereated for every *.dll file in \bin\release. Could this be suppressed?
Thanks for any suggestions! Tobias
As you said, you are using .net framework, you can refer to the following steps to achieve your requirement:
First, you can add post build event in property of the project to move the DLLs into lib folder:
You can refer to this command line in post build event:
ROBOCOPY "$(TargetDir) " "$(TargetDir)lib\ " /XF *.exe *.config *.manifest /XD lib logs data /E /IS /MOVE if %errorlevel% leq 4 exit 0 else exit %errorlevel%
Then add this code in your App.config file:
<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<probing privatePath="lib" />
Finally build the project it will be clean in the folder and the .exe file works fine.