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Classic ASP with Server-Side Javascript, calling function in a different file

I've got a page X that is supposed to have hyperlinks to pages A, B, and C if certain conditions are met. What I'm hoping to do is (on the server as the page is being built) is prune out hyperlinks that don't meet my conditions. The way I would like this to be structured is that in the Javascript function that is building the HTML for the links on X, eval a function that exists in A, B, and C where a true/false is returned which tells me whether or not to include the link.

I've written it so far so that X dynamically pieces together the name of the appropriate function to call in A, B, and C based off of their names and uses eval. The problem is that eval doesn't seem to know where the functions are located.

Since this is server-side, I don't believe that I can use the tag because I think that's for client-side code. I don't want to use the at the top because I want X to be loosely coupled with A, B, and C.

This is Javascript in ASP pages running on IIS.

Any suggestions as to how I can make the eval locate the function on the server is appreciated.



function shouldLink(filename)
    filename = "a.asp";
    var splits = filename.split(".");
    var file = splits[0].toUpperCase() + "_ShouldLink()";  // A_ShouldLink() function name built here

    var exec = "<!--#include virtual=\"a.asp\" -->";
    exec += "eval( " + file + " );";

            return eval( exec );
    } catch( err ){


    return true;

Basically at the eval here I want the function named A_ShouldLink() to be called (which resides in a.asp).


  • I may be wrong but I don't think you can use include files in this manner. I have never seen include files dynamically added this way.


    function shouldLink(filename)
        filename = "a.asp";
        var splits = filename.split(".");
        var file = splits[0].toUpperCase() + "_ShouldLink()";  // A_ShouldLink() function  name built here
       var exec =  "eval( " + file + " );";
              return eval( exec );
       } catch( err ){
       return true;


    You will obviously need to be careful with the path for your file name.

    I used this article for inspiration