Search code examples

Confluence API - Get child pages of parent also filtered by date range

I am trying to get all the child pages from the parent page and also trying to get the filtered results by the date.

I am trying the following query but it is throwing all the child pages but it is not showing the results within the provided date range.

API endpoint:

In the results, I am seeing the child pages but I am also seeing the pages created before 2021


  • Your query is almost right, you just have to use < and > to filter your dates.

    For example, the following (Python) request works for me:

    response = requests.get(
        url="https://jira.<my domain>.com/confu/rest/api/content/search",
            "cql": "parent=2342344 and created>2021-01-01 and created<2022-12-11"
        headers={"Authorization": "Basic <token>"}

    Just make sure your URL encoding is correct. Encoded, it should look like:


    You can find documentation here: