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how can i get a es384 JWT TOKEN with only a pem file in .net?

var payload = new Dictionary<string, object>()
var privateKey = ???;
// only got a pem file like 
//-----END PRIVATE KEY-----

//how can i get a key for below jwt token generate

string token = Jose.JWT.Encode(payload, privateKey, JwsAlgorithm.ES384, new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "alg", "ES384" },
                { "type", "JWT" },

i search for the web serveral hours and i got sth like this c# JWT load ES256 PEM file into CngKey (jose-jwt) but it cant solve my problem,i want to convert the pem file to p12 file,but i dont have a cert file,i only have a pem file. i realy need the solution, thanks.

and i try to create a ECDSA key from RSAParamaters i get, via PEMReader:

 RSAParameters rsaParameters;
            using (var stream = File.OpenRead("pem.pem"))
                using (var reader = new PemReader(stream))
                    rsaParameters = reader.ReadRsaKey();

            var key = ECDsa.Create(ECCurve.NamedCurves.nistP384);

            key.ImportParameters(new ECParameters()
                Q = new ECPoint() {
                  X = rsaParameters.Q,//???
                  Y = rsaParameters.Q //???
                D = rsaParameters.D

but the Param Q is a ECPoint type ,in rsaParameters Q is a byte array,i dont know how to handle this


  • I don't know if you found the solution to this. But I also struggled with this and finally found a solution. I will share my code here.

                var filePath = _sessionSettings.Value.CertificatePath; //read certificate file from path
                var privateKeyPem = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
                var key = ECDsa.Create();
                var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                var claims = new Dictionary<string, object>
                    { "aws:channel-arn", channelArn },
                    { "aws:access-control-allow-origin", "*" }
                var handler = new JsonWebTokenHandler();
                string token = handler.CreateToken(new SecurityTokenDescriptor
                    NotBefore = now,
                    Expires = now.AddMinutes(30),
                    IssuedAt = now,
                    Claims = claims,
                    SigningCredentials = new SigningCredentials(new ECDsaSecurityKey(key), "ES384")
                var response = new PrivateSessionTokenResponse
                    Token = token
                return response;