(node.js) if i try to color an object on console.log like so
console.log('\x1b[32m', {a:1,b:2,c:3}, '\x1b[0m');
it looks like this:
how do I make it so the text actually all gets colored?
I know i could stringify the arguments manually then join them to a single string and color them, but that ruins the nice multiline formatting console.log usually employs:
In order to convert an object to a pretty json string you may pass a 3rd param as the indent size for beautify-ing the input.
var obj = {
some: "thing",
values: {
arr: [12, 15, 24],
size: null
console.log("this is a string: " + JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4))
Then of course you can colorize it using one color. See comments above for techniques.