I have the string "+" and I want to convert this into #'+. Basically I want to map string to the corresponding function i.e. "myfunname" to #'myfunname.
This is almost certainly an XY problem: why are you starting with strings?
If you do need to turn strings into functions then something like the below will do that and is significantly safer than using read
(defun string->function (name &key (readtable-case (readtable-case *readtable*))
(package *package*))
(let ((effective-name (map 'string
(ecase readtable-case
(lambda (c)
((upper-case-p c)
(char-downcase c))
((lower-case-p c)
(char-upcase c))
(t c)))))
(multiple-value-bind (s status) (find-symbol effective-name package)
(unless status
(error "no symbol for ~S (from ~S)" effective-name name))
(unless (fboundp s)
(error "no function for ~S (from ~S, originally ~S)" s effective-name name))
(symbol-function s))))
> (string->function "+")
#<Function + 80E004F189>
> (eql (string->function "+") #'+)
> (string->function "string->function")
#<Function string->function 80200011E9>
> (string->function "unknown")
Error: no symbol for "UNKNOWN" (from "unknown")
> (string->function "*print-case*")
Error: no function for *print-case* (from "*PRINT-CASE*", originally "*print-case*")