I want to extend the functionality creating a scene. Right now I just right click in the project view in the folder where I want the asset to be created, choose "Create", and pick "Scene" and then I make this scene addressable, put it into a scriptable object and so on. I'd like to make this process automatic. Is there a way to extend Unity create asset menu options? Mainly I'd love if after pressing create scene a dialogue box would pop up which would handle the rest of the process.
I tried looking for options online but I couldn't find examples of this anywhere. Is this possible to do in Unity?
I’m sure you will not find any related example because your use case is unique.
Try to find an example for every step you are described above.
I will try to explain process step by step, but you will have to do the coding part by yourself.
This is very general answer but I hope it will give some clue how to solve your problem.