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React image slider does not work when i use useState

I use react image slider image slider

The issue is that when i store images paths like it's in code example it works ok

const images = [
  { url: "1.jpg" },
  { url: "2.jpg" }

But when i use it image slider does not work

    const [imagePath, setImagePath] = useState([]);
    const fetchData = async () => {
            const images = await (await MessageService.getImagesById(location.state.message)).data; //here i get data from db
            const imagesPath = => ({url: i.url}))
            console.log(imagesPath);//[ {url: "1.jpg"}, {url: "2.jpg"}]
        useEffect(() => {


  • Setting the state in React acts like an async function.
    Meaning that the when you set the state and put a console.log right after it, it will likely run before the state has actually finished updating.

    You can instead, for example, use a useEffect hook that is dependant on the relevant state in-order to see that the state value actually gets updates as anticipated.


    useEffect(() => {
       // Whatever else we want to do after the state has been updated.
    }, [imagePath])

    This console.log will run only after the state has finished changing and a render has occurred.

    • Note: "imagePath" in the example is interchangeable with whatever other state piece you're dealing with.

    Check the documentation for more info about this.