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What can be the optimized or efficient way to transform/modify the received JSON input response keys in JavaScript/Typescript

I have the solution for the problem but I am posting this question in community in search of a Lightweight or say efficient way to do this if possible. Thus a better approach/advise is appreciated.

I have a dictionary / key Value pair data which looks like below basically its the mapping that will be used for transformation of the response.

    KEYS  :  VALUE

    "score": "RelevantScore",
    "headline": "Headline",
    "subtitle1": "PublishedDate",
    "subtitle2": "Stage",
    "body": "Summary",
    "labels": "Tag"

My aim is to transform the JSON Input response, I need to replace the old properties (VALUE) with its mapped KEY from the mapping data above. let take a example below

I have a JSON object with the following content: (ASSUME INPUT RESPONSE RECIVED)

"Data": [{
            "RowId": 1,
            "Headline": "some data",
            "PublishedDate": "2022-09-29",
            "Summary": " some data",
            "SourceURL": "",
            "RelevantScore": 0,
            "Stage": null,
            "Tag": "",          

I want to change the "RelevantScore" key to "score" so it would become (EXPECTED OUTPUT AFTER SWAPPING)

"Data": [{
            "RowId": 1,
            "headline": "some random headline",
            "subtitle1": "2022-09-29",
            "body": "some data",
            "SourceURL": "",
            "score": 0,
            "subtitle2": null,
            "labels": "",

Note :- We will be using the mapping table above to swap the keys

The Input JSON response properties name will be replaced/Swapped by the respective mapping key so that a new response can be crafted from the old one. non matching keys can be ignored

Simple Example :- RelevantScore key from response is being replaced by its mapped value Score to form a new response object.


function renameKey ( obj, oldKey, newKey ) {
  obj[newKey] = obj[oldKey];
  delete obj[oldKey];


const json = `
const arr = JSON.parse(json);
arr.forEach( obj => renameKey( obj, 'RelevantScore', 'Score' ) ); // Call to the method
const updatedJson = JSON.stringify( arr );

**RESULT **:-

const json = `


  • transformResposne(dynamicData :any[]): any [] {
          dynamicData.forEach( obj => renameKeys( obj, new Map(Object.entries(this.controls))));
          function renameKeys( obj, columnMap : Map<string, string> ) {
            columnMap.forEach(function(oldkey, newKey) {
              if (oldkey in obj)
                obj[newKey] = obj[oldkey];
                delete obj[oldkey];
          return dynamicData;


    dynamicData = [{
               "RelevantScore": 0                
       controls = {
        "score": "RelevantScore",

    OUTPUT :-

     dynamicData = [{
                   "score": 0                