I have created an excel add-in in VS2010. I am trying to create an installation using Installshield. I do not want to use the publish setup.exe that VS2010 will create. The reason is that I need to place certain files on the target computer and would like to do so using installsheild.
My issue is that I do now know what files should go where. Normally the installation does everything.
Any help would be amazing.
I think you won't like my answer.
Some setup authoring tools offer direct support for Office add-ins. You configure some basic settings and build your project to get an installer.
Others don't offer support, so you need to do it manually. If you want to use this type of tool, you should find out what you need to install and where. Each add-in is unique and may have special requirements, special settings or use special locations.
If you want to configure the installer yourself, you first need to install your add-in manually and then try to replicate your actions in the installer. Automagical solutions are available only in setup authoring tools which support them.
Basically, you've got some learning to do about add-in deployment.