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Particles doesn't show up in react-js

This is my code in Particle.js

import React from "react";
import Particles from "react-tsparticles";

function Particle() {
  return (
        particles: {
          number: {
            value: 160,
            density: {
              enable: true,
              value_area: 1500,
          line_linked: {
            enable: false,
            opacity: 0.03,
          move: {
            direction: "right",
            speed: 0.05,
          size: {
            value: 1,
          opacity: {
            anim: {
              enable: true,
              speed: 1,
              opacity_min: 0.05,
        interactivity: {
          events: {
            onclick: {
              enable: true,
              mode: "push",
          modes: {
            push: {
              particles_nb: 1,
        retina_detect: true,

export default Particle;

and I call particle in Home.js

import Particle from "../Particle";
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button';

function Home() {

  return (
    <div className="mt-5">
        <Button href="" target="_blank" className="register-btn-inner" size="lg">
  export default Home;

I checked a lot of same questions like particles.js not showing up in reactjs project and Particle.js not showing particles on ReactJS website but solutions don't help me at all. I searched a lot but I don't understand my mistake. why Particle doesn't work? I installed tsparticles and react-tsparticles libraries too.


  • You are missing the init attribute on the Particles component. It's visible in the documentation as well here

    This is the documentation example:

    import { useCallback } from "react";
    import Particles from "react-particles";
    import { loadFull } from "tsparticles";
    const App = () => {
        const particlesInit = useCallback(async engine => {
            // you can initiate the tsParticles instance (engine) here, adding custom shapes or presets
            // this loads the tsparticles package bundle, it's the easiest method for getting everything ready
            // starting from v2 you can add only the features you need reducing the bundle size
            await loadFull(engine);
        }, []);
        const particlesLoaded = useCallback(async container => {
            await console.log(container);
        }, []);
        return (
                    background: {
                        color: {
                            value: "#0d47a1",
                    fpsLimit: 120,
                    interactivity: {
                        events: {
                            onClick: {
                                enable: true,
                                mode: "push",
                            onHover: {
                                enable: true,
                                mode: "repulse",
                            resize: true,
                        modes: {
                            push: {
                                quantity: 4,
                            repulse: {
                                distance: 200,
                                duration: 0.4,
                    particles: {
                        color: {
                            value: "#ffffff",
                        links: {
                            color: "#ffffff",
                            distance: 150,
                            enable: true,
                            opacity: 0.5,
                            width: 1,
                        collisions: {
                            enable: true,
                        move: {
                            directions: "none",
                            enable: true,
                            outModes: {
                                default: "bounce",
                            random: false,
                            speed: 6,
                            straight: false,
                        number: {
                            density: {
                                enable: true,
                                area: 800,
                            value: 80,
                        opacity: {
                            value: 0.5,
                        shape: {
                            type: "circle",
                        size: {
                            value: { min: 1, max: 5 },
                    detectRetina: true,