I'm looking at this article because I was wondering how to implement getters in functional interfaces for long xml-type nested objects (basically trying to figure out if I can chain getters to get a deeply nested object that represents an XML tree).
The part that confuses me is how a getter is a Function<City, String>
. Do non static methods always take in the object that the method corresponds to? I've read a lot of the docs but I don't see any of this mentioned. Can someone point me in the right direction here?
Why City::getName not supplier? Getters don't take in anything.
If you want to express City::getName, the lambda could also be written accordingly, maybe makes it more concise to understand what exactly happens:
final Function<City, String> getPrice = c -> c.getName();
Additional to the discussion, why is it a Function and not a Supplier: In contrast to the Supplier, the Function takes an argument. So the use-case would be different.
final City city = currentCity
supplier = () -> city.getName()
// or
supplier = city::getName
func = (city) -> city.getName()
// or
func = City::getName