string a = "100-0-6-7-6-10-8-" //and so on
//my solution
char[] delimiterChars = {'-'};
string solution = "100-0-6-7-6-10-8-";
string[] words = solution.Split(delimiterChars,System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
//ok so i encounter some problems when trying to overwrite 0s, and 10s,100s etc
//so when writing data to the "solution" string it should be
//"-100--0--6--7--6--10--8-" instead of "100-0-6-7-6-10-8-"
basically, I want to separate each number and put it in a list or array
i think i got it
char[] delimiterChars = {'-'};
string text = "100-0-6-7-6-10-8-";
string[] words = text.Split(delimiterChars,System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);