I'm using next code snippet to create a SignalR Hub Connection:
const connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()
async function start() {
try {
await connection.start();
console.log("SignalR Connected.");
} catch (err) {
setTimeout(start, 5000);
// Start the connection.
And after this script, I do some AJAX call to display information on my webpage. In that AJAX call are several status messages I want to receive with my Hub, but I always miss the first x messages.
Some debugging let's me think the connection to my Hub is not yet completed (state is not 'connected') when the first messages are sent by the server.
How can I wait for the Hub to be connected before I do the AJAX call?
Finally, I found something that worked for me:
Added a boolean 'connected' to the given script:
let connected = false;
const connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()
async function start() {
try {
await connection.start();
console.log("SignalR Connected.");
connected = true;
} catch (err) {
setTimeout(start, 5000);
// Start the connection.
Then created an async method that checks the boolean every 200ms:
async function WaitForHubConnection() {
while (true) {
if (connected) {
console.log("Connection verified");
else {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 200));
And finally I need to await the WaitForHubConnection(), but did not know the jQuery document ready method could be asynchronous, but it works:
$(document).ready(async function () {
await WaitForHubConnection();
url: '/ajaxUrl',
type: 'get',
data: { },
beforeSend: function() { },
headers: { },
success: function(data) { }