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How to correctly calculate the revenue of the product when the price changes?

I have two datasets:

  • prices: records of product’s history price changes in Sep 2018
  • sales: records of product’s sales in Sep 2018 Use any data wrangling tools to calculcate the total revenue of each product and revenue at each price.

Thanks a lot.

Prices (sample):

product_id old_price new_price updated_at
64 270000 239000 9/10/2018 4:37:00 PM
3954203 60000 64000 9/11/2018 10:59:00 PM
3954203 64000 60500 9/17/2018 11:54:00 AM
3998909 19000 17000 9/10/2018 4:35:00 PM
3998909 17000 15500 9/16/2018 5:09:00 AM
4085861 67000 62500 9/11/2018 8:51:00 AM
4085861 62500 58000 9/17/2018 3:35:00 AM

Sale (sample):

product_id quantity_ordered ordered_at
64 1 9/09/2018 4:37:00 PM
64 6 9/11/2018 10:59:00 PM
3954203 6 9/10/2018 11:54:00 AM
3954203 1 9/12/2018 4:35:00 PM
3954203 1 9/18/2018 5:09:00 AM
4085861 2 9/10/2018 8:51:00 AM
4085861 1 9/19/2018 3:35:00 AM

Calculcate the total revenue of each product and revenue at each price


  • you can use two subqueries to determine the price at a specific date

    the following takes the last new_price if it finds a row before the sales day else takes the old_price from next available day.

    The second subselect would be not necessary, if you had for every produce one initial row, before all sales days where you have the same old_price and new_price.

    the product table will profit from a combined INDEX on prodict_id and updated_at

      , s.`quantity_ordered`
      (SELECT `new_price` FROM product p WHERE p.`product_id` = s.`product_id`
      AND  s.`ordered_at`>= p.`updated_at` ORDER BY `updated_at` DESC LIMIT 1)
      ,(SELECT `old_price` FROM product p WHERE p.`product_id` = s.`product_id`
      AND  s.`ordered_at`< p.`updated_at` ORDER BY `updated_at` ASC LIMIT 1))
      , s.`ordered_at`
    FROM sale s
    product_id quantity_ordered p_price ordered_at
    64 1 270000 2018-09-09 18:37:00
    64 6 239000 2018-09-12 00:59:00
    3954203 6 60000 2018-09-10 13:54:00
    3954203 1 64000 2018-09-12 18:35:00
    3954203 1 60500 2018-09-18 07:09:00
    4085861 2 67000 2018-09-10 10:51:00
    4085861 1 58000 2018-09-19 05:35:00
