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c# - Remove old Files from FileInfo list

I have a File-Info-List of more than 200 log-files from a directory. Most of the files need to be in the list, but there are a few lists that should be ignored.

Here is an example of the File-List:

  • A300a1_ContentLink.log
  • A301a20_ContentLink.log
  • A1_4a0_ContentLink.log
  • B200a101_ContentLink.log
  • B200a101_ContentLink_20221208_115905.log
  • B200a101_ContentLink_20221208_115907.log
  • B200a101_ContentLink_20221208_120647.log
  • B201a1_ContentLink.log
  • B202a0_ContentLink.log

Explanation of the file name: The first chars refer to a room (e.g. room A300 or A1). A room could have any description, eg B200, CXS2 or only CDD, the next to a device-name (e.g. device a1 oder device a20). Each device starts with a, followed by 1-3 digits. Last part of each file is "_ContentLink" .

All files with further ending, like _202211208_115905 are duplicates of older versions, that are needed in other programs, but not in my List.

My problem is that I only need the newest File of each logfile in my File-Info-List.

I initialized a FileInfo[] allFiles that contains all of the files of the directory. Next I initialized a new FileInfo[] in which I would like to store only the newest version of each file.

My first attempt was to compare the LastWrite time

            FileInfo currentFile = allFiles[0];

            foreach (FileInfo file in allFiles)
                if (file.LastWriteTime > currentFile.LastWriteTime)
                    currentFile = file;

But I only get back the latest file of the whole folder.

Now, I am thinking about to use Regular Expressions insteadt of .LastWriteTime, to exclude all Files that have a suffix after ContentLink.

But I don't know how and how to remove the outdated files from the list with all files (or transfer only the relevatn to a new File Info[]-List)

Thank you in advance for your ideas.


  • You can use a LINQ query to:

    • extract the name and time part from each file name
    • group the files by name and
    • select the latest (maximum) file by time

    Something like :

    var regex=new Regex("^(.*?)_ContentLink(.*?).log");
    var latest=allFiles.Select(f=>{ 
                                 var parts=regex.Match(f.Name);
                                 return new {
    foreach(var file in latest)

    This produces


    MaxBy was added in .NET 6. Before that you can use the equivalent method from the MoreLINQ library.

    The regular expression captures the smallest possible string before _ContentLink in the first group (.*?) and the smallest possible date part in the second group.

    You could get a bit fancier and use different regular expressions to capture the name and time part. Combined with local functions, this results in a somewhat cleaner query:

        var nameRex=new Regex("^(.*?)_ContentLink.*.log");
        var timeRex=new Regex("^.*_ContentLink(.*?).log");
        string NamePart(FileInfo f)
            return nameRex.Match(f.Name).Groups[1].ToString();
        string TimePart(FileInfo f)
            return timeRex.Match(f.Name).Groups[1].ToString();
        var latest=allFiles