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Design of MAC unit using VHDL - error "Array sizes do not match"

Trying to design a simple MAC Unit in VHDL

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity MAC is
  port (
    DIN:        IN  signed(15 downto 0);
    WEIGHT:     IN  signed(15 downto 0);
    CLK:        IN  std_logic;
    RST:        IN  std_logic;
    RESULT:     OUT signed(15 downto 0);
end entity MAC;

architecture base of MAC is

  variable acc_value : signed(15 downto 0);

   IF rising_edge(CLK) then
      IF RST='1' THEN
        acc_value := (OTHERS => '0'); -- reset accumulated value to 0
        acc_value := (acc_value + WEIGHT* DIN);
        RESULT <= acc_value;
      END IF;
    END IF;
  END process; 
end base;

Seems like there is a problem with acc_value := (acc_value + WEIGHT* DIN); . There is an error in the simulation "ERROR: Array sizes do not match, left array has 16 elements, right array has 32 elements" with confuses me, because for me both arrays have 16 bits (or?)


  • It's because of overflowing, you need to take care of that.

    acc_value := (acc_value + WEIGHT* DIN);

    In the right hand side, WEIGHT * DIN is 16 bit * 16 bit = 32 bits. Adding the 16-bit acc_value to that (acc_value + WEIGHT*DIN) gives you a 32-bit value, which cannot be assigned into the 16-bit variable signed acc_value.