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How set default date value to today on Strapi

I was searching for a way to set the default date field value to today on Strapi, and I didn't found how to do this. After a while, I succeeded. Below is a step-by-step tutorial.


  • Step 1 :

    Enable default value in your date field of Content-Type Builder (the value is not relevant)

    Step 2 :

    Create a JavaScript Module (don't forget to change "your-content-type-name" by the name of your content-type) :


      "auto-today module is on!"
    // Import "schedule" (for scheduled execution)
    import schedule from "node-schedule";
    // Import Node.js File System module
    import fs from "fs";
    // Scheduling of daily execution at midnight
    let scheduleExec = schedule.scheduleJob("0 0 * * *", () => {
      // Get and store date, for most locales formats
      // (to be adapted for more uncommon locales formats)
      const date = new Date()
          day: "2-digit",
          month: "2-digit",
          year: "numeric",
        .slice(0, 10)
        .replaceAll(/([./])/g, " ")
        .split(" ")
        .replaceAll(",", "-");
      // Read schema.json file
        function (err, data) {
          // Check for errors
          if (err) throw err;
          // Store schema.json a JavaScript object
          const schema = JSON.parse(data);
          // Remplace default date by today date
 = date;
          // Converting new schema.json JavaScript object to JSON object
          const newSchema = JSON.stringify(schema);
          // Remplace schema.json content by new content
            (err) => {
              // Error checking
              if (err) throw err;
              console.log("schema.json updated");

    Step 3 :

    Update the line develop in your package.json (as before don't forget to replace "your-content-type-name") :


    "auto-today": "node ./src/api/article/content-types/article/auto-today.mjs"

    How to use it ?

    You just have to run auto-today at the same time as you run develop. Everyday at midnight, the script will be executed again.