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Java return Inputstream via rest API with html file in inputstream

I am currently trying to return an input stream via my API. The input stream contains an html file that I previously fetch from Jenkins via the Cdancy Jenkinsclient via the input stream. I want to pass this html through my endpoint. If I enter Json as @Produce, then the HTML content comes with the note that the JSON can not be parsed. If I specify another MediyType, then a 406 comes back. Is it even bestpractise to return an inputstream or should I transform it into an outputstream first?

This is my Code:


@Operation(summary = "", description = "")
        value = {
                        responseCode = "200",
                        description =
                        content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)),
                        responseCode = "400",
                        description = "",
                        content =
                                mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
                                schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponseDO.class))),
public Response getReport(@Parameter(
        description = "",
        required = true)
                          @PathParam("imageName") final String imageName,
                          @Parameter(description = "", required = true)
                          @PathParam("tag") final String tag,
                          @Parameter(description = "")
                          @PathParam("type") String type
) throws ApplicationException, IOException {

    InputStream report = jenkinsClient.getReport(imageName, tag, type);

    return Response.status(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_ACCEPTED).entity(report).build();


    public InputStream getReport(final String imageName, final String tag, final String type) throws ApplicationException {

        try {
            final int lastSuccessfulBuildnumber = jenkinsClient.api().jobsApi().jobInfo(imageName, tag).lastSuccessfulBuild().number();
  "Last successful buildnumber: " + lastSuccessfulBuildnumber);

            final InputStream report = jenkinsClient.api().jobsApi().artifact(imageName, tag, lastSuccessfulBuildnumber, Objects.equals(type, "image") ? "trivy_image_report.html" : "trivy_Dockerfile_report.html");

            if (report == null) {
                throw new NotFoundException();

            return report;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new NotFoundException();


Output: Output is 406 everytime (TEXT_HTML, OCTET_STREAM, TEXT_PLAINE). Only with @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) it is successfull with the html code bud with the message: json cant be parsed.

Thanks for your help


  • Like VGR stated. Problem was the caller which was not using text/html. Ive tested in swaggerui and set it to "text/html". Works as expected. Was application/json beforen and the reason for working only with application json as produce annoation.

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