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Is there a way to find all objects in an array whose fields all objects have the same value postgresql

Let's see a few objects

"name: "Test_1",
"attributes": [
        "attribute_name" : "Some_name"
        "attribute_name" : "Some_name_2"
"phoneNumber" : "N"

"name: "Test_2",
"attributes": [
        "attribute_name" : "Some_name"
        "attribute_name" : "Some_name",
        "attribute_phoneNumber": "N1"
"phoneNumber" : "N2"

So, I wanna get objects whose attributes array elements (all of them) have attribute_name "Some_name"

attributes.attribute_name = Some_name

and as result I wanna get object with Test_2 name because all of attributes elements have this name.

This array 'attributes' saved as jsob in PG, so I tried to use some functions like json_array_elements(...) but it didn't helped


  • Assuming that these are JSONB fields from 2 records of your table as illustrated in the the_table CTE, then select these records for which does not exist an attributes array element whose attribute_name value is not equal to 'Some_name'. coalesce is there for missing attribute_name elements.

    with the_table(name, attributes, phonenumber) as 
     ('Test_1', '[{"attribute_name" : "Some_name"}, {"attribute_name" : "Some_name_2"}]'::jsonb, 'N'),
     ('Test_2', '[{"attribute_name" : "Some_name"}, {"attribute_name" : "Some_name", "attribute_phoneNumber": "N1"}]', 'N2')
    ) -- sample data table
    select * from the_table where not exists 
     select from jsonb_array_elements(attributes) j 
     where coalesce(j->>'attribute_name', '') <> 'Some_name'