I want to rename nested json key and keep under same schema.
"name": "Ram",
"age": "17",
"department": "Sony"
Code : jq '[.["properties.company"] = .properties.department| del(.properties.department)]' file
"name": "Ram",
"age": "17"
"properties.company" = "Sony"
Expected Output should be :
"name": "Ram",
"age": "17",
"company": "Sony"
What I am doing wrong ?
You have several options, but for that you need to have a valid input JSON such as:
"properties": {
"name": "Ram",
"age": "17",
"department": "Sony"
This assigns the new property first, then deletes the old one.
.properties |= (.company = .department | del(.department))
This is building a new object from scratch, copying all existing properties and renaming as needed.
.properties |= { name, age, company: .department }
This is a combination of the first two approaches. The property is deleted, while it is being renamed in the new object. Both objects are ultimately merged to form the result.
.properties |= del(.department) + { company: .department }
This iterates over all key-value pairs and (re-)assigns the key name.
.properties |= with_entries(.key |= if . == "department" then "company" else . end)
or if you dislike ifs: same as above, but uses select(cond) // alternative
to select an alternative value unless the condition is met.
.properties |= with_entries(.key |= (select(. != "department") // "company"))