I did a simple program that splits a string in substrings, using the whitespace as a split reference. The program was working as expected, so I've decided to put this code inside a function that is called "substring_whitespace".This function return a size_t value which is the number of substring's. The function arguments are char* buffer[]
and char* string
. Both are pointers, the first will store the substring's, and the second is the string that'll be splited.
Here is the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
size_t substring_whitespace(char* buffer[],char* string) {
size_t initial_string_size = strlen(string) + 1;
char actual_string[initial_string_size];
char strings[initial_string_size][initial_string_size];
size_t c = 0;
for(; c<initial_string_size; c++) {
size_t first_whitespace_index = strcspn(actual_string," ");
char substring[first_whitespace_index];
for(size_t d = 0; d<=first_whitespace_index; d++) {
if(d == first_whitespace_index)
substring[first_whitespace_index] = 0;
substring[d] = actual_string[d];
size_t actual_string_length = strlen(actual_string);
size_t new_actual_string_length = (actual_string_length - first_whitespace_index) + 1;
char new_actual_string[new_actual_string_length];
for(size_t d = 0,i = first_whitespace_index + 1; i<=actual_string_length + 1; i++,d++) {
if(i == actual_string_length)
new_actual_string[d] = 0;
new_actual_string[d] = actual_string[i];
buffer[c] = strings[c];
if(new_actual_string_length == 1)
return ++c;\
int main() {
char string[1000];
string[strcspn(string,"\n")] = 0;
char* buffer[strlen(string) + 1];
size_t buffer_length = substring_whitespace(buffer,string);
for(int d = 0; d<buffer_length; d++) {
After I test, the results were not as expected, so during my debug I detect that the char were being changed after get off the function by pointer. This behavior is only detectable if I try to print the buffer strings in the main.
is a local variable whose lifetime ends when the function returns. The easiest fix is to copy the string when assigning a value buffer[c]
buffer[c] = strdup(strings[c]);
Another option is to change the design and return an array of ranges relative to your input string
. For example struct range { char *s; size_t len; };
, and if string
is "hello world" the function could return [{string, 5}, {string+6, 5}]