solana-wallets-vue is the VueJS version of solana-wallet. It added a button to connect your browser wallet.
This works, and connects a wallet, but right after connecting the wallet I need to know what the wallet address (public key) is.
Using all of Vue3's life cycle hooks, I can only determine what the wallet address is if I refresh, and it will then show up in onMounted
Their component is added like so
<!-- ? Wallet Connect -->
<wallet-multi-button dark></wallet-multi-button>
This is the markup that is injected into the app with their component
<div class="swv-dark">
<button class="swv-button swv-button-trigger"> Select Wallet </button>
After I connect my Solana wallet, the markup will change like so, but no Vue Lifecycle event triggers:
<div class="swv-dark">
<div class="swv-dropdown">
class="swv-button swv-button-trigger"
style="pointer-events: auto;"
<i class="swv-button-icon">
<img src="" alt="Phantom icon">
<ul aria-label="dropdown-list" class="swv-dropdown-list" role="menu">
<li class="swv-dropdown-list-item" role="menuitem">Copy address</li>
<li class="swv-dropdown-list-item" role="menuitem"> Change wallet </li>
<li class="swv-dropdown-list-item" role="menuitem"> Disconnect </li>
In the onMounted
LifeCycle, I am able to see the wallet address / public, but again only if I refresh:
onMounted(async () => {
const { publicKey, sendTransaction } = useWallet()
if (publicKey && publicKey.value) {
console.log('publicKey', publicKey.value.toBase58())
Used watch
to be able to accomplish this task.
Real world example:
import { ref, computed, watch } from 'vue'
const connectedWallet = computed(() => {
const { publicKey, sendTransaction } = useWallet()
if (publicKey && publicKey.value) {
return publicKey.value.toBase58()
This watches for the change when you use the solana-wallet connect
watch(connectedWallet, async (currentValue) => {
console.log('currentValue', currentValue)