I am trying to debug an issue where some HTML content is not rendering in the pdf. Earlier it used to work fine but now I don't empty spaces. Initially, I suspected there was some backend or rails issue but that was the wrong assumption. Then I thought it was a bootstrap issue but I was wrong because when I use the same HTML and render in the browser it works perfectly fine.
Below HTML is not showing in the PDF file. I can only see the Horizontal line which gets render due to <hr/>
<div class="row top-padded">
<div class="col-md-10">
<p class="block bold"><%= (status == "abstain") ? "Abstained By" : "#{status.capitalize} By:" %></p>
<hr />
<% requesters.merge(User.answered).where(approved_status: status).each do |user_obj| %>
<% user = user_obj&.user&.decorate %>
<%= image_tag user_obj.signature, style: "width: 200px; height: auto;" unless user_obj.signature.blank? %>
<%= user&.first_last || "Removed User" %>
<%= user_obj.decorate.response_date %>
<%= user&.time_zone if user %>
<% end %>
So my final suspect is two things
I would need some suggestions or help on how can I resolve this issue
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<%= wicked_pdf_stylesheet_link_tag "optional/pdf_fonts" %>
<%= wicked_pdf_stylesheet_link_tag "application" %>
<div class="col-lg-12">
<h1><%= question %></h1>
<div class="approval_metadata top-padded">
<%#= this is for rendering pdf%>
<%= content_tag(:span, highlight("Title: #{user&.name}", 'title', highlighter: '<strong>\1</strong>'), class: "block") %>
<%= content_tag(:span, highlight("Filename: #{user&.filename}", 'filename', highlighter: '<strong>\1</strong>'), class: "block") %>
<%= content_tag(:span, highlight("File created: #{user&.created_at&.strftime('%d-%^b-%Y %I:%M:%S %p')}", 'file created', highlighter: '<strong>\1</strong>'), class: "block") %>
<%= content_tag(:span, highlight("File Last Modified: #{user&.updated_at&.strftime('%d-%^b-%Y %I:%M:%S %p')}", 'file last modified', highlighter: '<strong>\1</strong>'), class: "block") %>
<%= content_tag(:span, highlight("Location: Resource Library / #{user.pluck(:name)&.join(" / ")}", 'location', highlighter: '<strong>\1</strong>'), class: "block") %>
<%= content_tag(:span, highlight("Approval Requested: #{approval&.created_at&.strftime('%d-%^b-%Y %I:%M:%S %p')}", 'approval requested', highlighter: '<strong>\1</strong>'), class: "block") %>
<%= content_tag(:br) %>
<% User.statuses.each do |status, index| %>
<div class="row top-padded">
<div class="col-md-10">
<p class="block bold"><%= (status == "abstain") ? "Abstained By" : "#{status.capitalize} By:" %></p>
<hr />
<% requesters.merge(User.answered).where(approved_status: status).each do |user_obj| %>
<% user = user_obj&.user&.decorate %>
<%= image_tag user_obj.signature, style: "width: 200px; height: auto;" unless user_obj.signature.blank? %>
<%= user&.first_last || "Removed User" %>
<%= user_obj.decorate.response_date %>
<%= user&.time_zone if user %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
The issue has been resolved by changing col-md to col-lg. Reference Bootstrap v5 Grid is not working in "col-lg" case