Can you guys help me understand how does this code check if inputed array sorted by ascending, descending or not sorted at all? I tried to understand it myself for two days but with no success
Here is the code
const arraySortInfo = (inputArray) => {
if (inputArray.some((element) => typeof element !== "number")) {
return "Some elements are not numbers";
if (
inputArray.every((element, index) =>
index > 0 ? element >= inputArray[index - 1] : true
) {
return "Array sorted by ascending";
if (
inputArray.every((element, index) =>
index > 0 ? element <= inputArray[index - 1] : true
) {
return "Array sorted by descending";
return "Array isn't sorted";
const a = [5, "abc", 10, 1];
const b = [4, 10, 14, 25, 25, 50];
const c = [150, 132, 80, 40];
const d = [15, 26, 10, 23, 85];
I specifically lost in this lines of code and the same one for descending
if (
inputArray.every((element, index) =>
index > 0 ? element >= inputArray[index - 1] : true
) {
return "Array sorted by ascending";
I tried to sit and write down everything on paper but so far I thought that I understood what it does with ascending, but then I tried to figure out descending check the same way and it didn't add up so I must be wrong at something.
Here is how I understand it on ascending example
inputArray[4, 7, 10 for example].every((element, index) =>
first time index 0 > 0 ? element 4 >= inputArray*//4,7,10 = 2 indexes//*[index */0/* - 1] : true
*so if 4 >= 1 it return true*
second time index > 0 ? element 7 >= inputArray*//4,7,10 = 2 indexes//*[index */1/* - 1] : true
*if 7 >= 2 returns true*
third time index > 0 ? element 10 >= inputArray*//4,7,10 = 2 indexes//*[index */2/* - 1] : true
*if 10 >= 1 return true*
*and if every time this was true it will return "Array sorted by ascending"*
It worked here for me. But it didn't work the same way for descending numbers so I must be wrong. Maybe I'm wrong about (element, index) inputs?
inputArray.every((element, index) =>
index > 0 ? element >= inputArray[index - 1] : true
In plain English, this says: If we're looking at any item in the array (other than the first item), check that it is at least as large as the prior item in the array. There is a special case where we're at index=0, where we don't yet have a prior index to check against, and so we want to return 'true' in order to not cause the .every() check to fail in that particular case.
It could also have been written as:
inputArray.slice(1).every((element, index) => element >= inputArray[(index])
Now, there is no need to check whether we are the first element, because slice(1) causes us to only encounter the second element onwards. Note that when we're at index 0 in the sliced array, element will be the first item in the sliced array, but the second element in the original array. Conveniently, index=0 on the original array will be the element prior to the element at index=0 in the sliced array.