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single-line macro existence check (ifdef) in a NASM 0.98.39 multi-line macro

I'm using NASM 0.98.39 (an old version) to assemble the following test source file:

%macro M 1
  %ifdef A_%1_B
    %error OK
    %error undef

%define A_foo_B
M foo

I want OK because A_foo_B is indeed a defined single-line macro. In NASM 2.13.02, it displays OK, however in NASM 0.98.39 and NASM 0.99.06, it displays undef. How can I make it work with NASM 0.98.39?

Please note that upgrading NASM is not an option for this project, and inlining the macros M wouldn't scale, because there are thousands of macro callers, and some abstraction is needed.

FYI If I change it like this, it stops working in NASM 2.13.02 as well, with the error message `%ifdef' expects macro identifiers.`:

%macro MS 1
  %ifdef %1
    %error OK
    %error undef

%define A_foo_B
MS A_foo_B

Even more stranglely, these both display OK (as expected) in all the above versions of NASM:

%macro MH 1
%ifdef %1_B
%error OK
%error undef

%macro MT 1
%ifdef A_%1
%error OK
%error undef

%define A_foo_B
MH A_foo
MT foo_B


  • This workaround of defining 2 macros works in all versions of NASM mentioned in the question:

    %macro MT 1
    %ifdef A_%1
    %error OK
    %error undef
    %macro MIND 1
    MT %1_B
    %define A_foo_B 1
    MIND foo

    This needs a major refactoring of existing NASM macros using %ifdef though.