i've made a simple print function in assembly which does not work as intended.
The function should print only the msg variable but instead its printing all the variables declared
this is the code
msg db "This is our first message!", 0Ah
msg2 db "Test message", 0Ah
msg3 db "idk what to type here", 0Ah
global _start
mov rsi, msg
call print
mov rax, 60 ; return 0 and end this operation
mov rdi, 0
; the only argument will be the buffer.
; rsi is the buffer in the sys call
push rax
push rdi
push rsi ; makes sure all the registry we use will be saved and restored once finished.
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, 1
push rdx
mov rdx, rsi
call str_len
pop rax
pop rdi
pop rsi
pop rdx ; after restoring we return to the main
; the argument for this will be rdx being the first address
push rsi
mov rdx, rsi ; they both need to be the same address so we can calculate the size
cmp byte[rsi], 0
jz ended
add rsi, 1
jmp can_continue
sub rsi, rdx
mov rdx, rsi
pop rsi
This is our first message! Test message idk what to type here
im new to assembly and im following this https://asmtutor.com/#lesson1
The newline character is not considered the end of the string. Your current implementation of str_len only stops when it encounters a null character (0), but does not consider the carriage return character (0Ah) to be the end of the string.
You'll need to change this part:
msg db “This is our first message!”, 0Ah
msg2 db “Test message”, 0Ah
msg3 db “idk what to type here”, 0Ah
By this:
msg db "This is our first message!", 0Ah, 0
msg2 db "Test message", 0Ah, 0
msg3 db "idk what to type here", 0Ah, 0
Ps: It is very important to specify in your header which type of elf version you are using (x64, x32, x86). You can do this with
(I used BITS 64)
And compile your program with:
$ nasm -f elf64 -o hello.o hello.asm
$ ld -o hello hello.o
$ ./hello
This is our first message!