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How to check if there is newLine YASM 8086

I've been working on the project. The main goal is to calculate how many words do not contain letters from 'a' to 'k'. Given file has [0;1000] lines. Every line contains 6 columns.

The first two columns contain string with [1; 20] characters. Characters could be letters, numbers, and whitespaces.

3-5 columns contain integers in the range [-100; 100]. 6th column contains real numbers in the range [-9.99; 9.99] with only two digits after the decimal point.

Each section I separated by a semicolon ';'.

A11;bas morning;0;0;5;1.15

My problem is, that if there is a newLine at the end of the file, skip them, and sum up them in the final count.

TASK: calculate how many words (the word is one or more symbols without ' '(space)) in the first two columns do not contain letters 'B' or 'C'. And print that integer number.

I have tried to compare al with 0x20 and jump to the next section if it is smaller, but that didn't help me.

What I have done so far

        ; Main 
            mov si, 2
            call procSkaitytiEilute
            ; Check the first two columns
            ;mov al, ';'

        mov di, line
            mov al, [di]
            inc di
            cmp  al, ' '
            je .skipSpaces
            cmp  al, ';'
            je .q3
            dec di

            mov bx, 1

            mov  al, [di]
            inc  di
            cmp  al, ' '
            je   .q2
            cmp  al, ';'
            je   .q2
            jmp .q8

            cmp al, 20h
            jl .skipLine
            jmp .q7

            cmp al, 'A'
            jl .q5
            jmp .q4

            cmp  al, 'K'
            jae .q5
            mov  bx, 0       ; One or more invalid chars in current word
            jmp  .q1
            cmp al, 'a'
            jae .q6
            jmp .q1       

            cmp al, 'k'
            jae .q1      
            mov bx, 0
            jmp .q1

            add  [lineCount], bx  ; BX=[0,1] Counting the 'good' words
            cmp  al, ';'
            jne  .skipSpaces
            dec  si          ; Next column?
            jnz  .skipSpaces
            cmp  [readLastLine], byte 0
            je   .whileNotTheEndOfFile
            ; Jeigu ne failo pabaiga, kartojame cikla
            sub [lineCount], 2
            cmp [readLastLine], byte 0
            je .whileNotTheEndOfFile
            ; Hexadecimal convertion to decimal
           mov dx, lineCount
           mov ax, [lineCount]
           call procUInt16ToStr
           call procPutStr
           mov si, dx

           cmp al, 0
           jne .writeToFile
           sub si, dx
           lea cx, [si-1]
           mov bx, [writingDescriptor]
           mov ah, 40h
           int 21h

        ; Closing Files
            mov bx, [writingDescriptor]
            call procFClose
            mov bx, [readingDescriptor]
            call procFClose

%include 'yasmlib.asm'

; void procSkaitytiEilute()
; Read line to buffer ‘eilute’
    push ax
    push bx
    push cx
    push si
    mov bx, [readingDescriptor]
    mov si, 0

        call procFGetChar
        ; End if the end of file or error
        cmp ax, 0
        je .endOfFile
        jc .endOfFile
        ; Putting symbol to buffer
        mov [line+si], cl
        inc si
        ; Check if there is \n?
        cmp cl, 0x0A
        je .endOfLine
        jmp .loop
        mov [readLastLine], byte 1
    mov [line+si], byte '$'
    mov [lineLength], si
    pop si
    pop cx
    pop bx
    pop ax


section .data

        db 'input.dat', 00
        dw 0000
        times 128 db 00
        dw 0000
        db 00
        db 64
        times 66 db '$'
        dw 0000
        times 128 db 00

My file:

A11;bas aaa;0;0;5;1.15

My output: 4

Needed output: 2 (because there are only 2 "good" words "XYZ" and "PPP"), my program counts 2 more words because of a new line at the end.


  • It would appear that in contrast with the original task description your file can contain one or more empty lines as well. Or even lines with spaces followed by the newline codes.
    To deal with these empty lines (only containing the bytes 13 and 10), your idea to skip on codes below 32 is good, but it's in the wrong place.

    Below is the quick fix. Please notice that the ASCII codes are to be treated as unsigned numbers. Don't use the signed jl instruction on them.

                mov  di, line
                mov  al, [di]
                inc  di
                cmp  al, ' '
                je   .skipSpaces
                cmp  al, ';'
                je   .q3
                dec  di
                cmp  al, 32         ; NEW
                jb  .skipLine       ; NEW
                mov  bx, 1
                mov  al, [di]
                inc  di
                cmp  al, ' '
                je   .q2
                cmp  al, ';'
                je   .q2
        !        cmp  al, 'A'
        !        jb   .q1
        !        cmp  al, 'K'
        !        jbe  .badChar    ; [A,K] is bad
        !        cmp  al, 'a'
        !        jb   .q1
        !        cmp  al, 'k'
        !        ja   .q1      
        !    .badChar:            ; [a,k] is bad
        !        mov  bx, 0       ; One or more invalid chars in current word
                jmp  .q1
                add  [lineCount], bx  ; BX=[0,1] Counting the 'good' words
                cmp  al, ';'
                jne  .skipSpaces
                dec  si          ; Next column?
                jnz  .skipSpaces
                cmp  [readLastLine], byte 0
                je   .whileNotTheEndOfFile

    The lines that I marked with an exclamation mark really should be:

            or   al, 32      ; Make lowercase
            cmp  al, 'a'
            jb   .q1
            cmp  al, 'k'
            ja   .q1
            mov  bx, 0       ; [A,K] and [a,k] are badChars

    Why does your program contain next redundant lines?

           ; Jeigu ne failo pabaiga, kartojame cikla
           sub [lineCount], 2
           cmp [readLastLine], byte 0
           je .whileNotTheEndOfFile