I have problem with ambiguous methods in KStream.
Actually I don't understand what is wrong.
ValueTransformerWithKeySupplier<String, CandleDto, CandleDto> {
SuppressTransformer<String, CandleDto, CandleDto>(
class SuppressTransformer<K, V, VR>(
private val windowSize: Duration,
private val storeName: String,
private val scheduleTime: Duration
) : ValueTransformerWithKey<K, V, VR> {
// Implementation
Update: I just realize what is wrong (because i'm blind). Thanks @OneCricketeer, your answer forced me to look logs once more :-)
Error was caused because I use windowing before transformation. And I had to map values before start transformation.
Now it is compilable:
.map { key, value -> KeyValue.pair(key.key(), Mapper.toCandle(value)) }
ValueTransformerWithKeySupplier<String, Candle, Candle> {
SuppressTransformer<String, Candle,Candle>(