Here is the current setup of the file right now below. You will see that my file does indeed have a key to each child component but its still flagging it and I think its more internal issues that I am not sure that I can fix.
export default function SecondaryNav(props:NavItems) {
const router = useRouter();
let [filteredSubNavItems, setFilteredSubNavItems] = useState<{}[]>([])
/* Filtering the props.navigation array and setting the filteredSubNavItems state to the filtered
array. */
useEffect(() => {
props.navigation.filter((item) => {
if( == router.route) {
return (
<Navbar className={[styles.SecondaryNav].join(' ')}>
<div className={['container', styles.secondaryNavContainer].join(' ')}>
{, index) => {
return (
!navItem.subLinksExist ?
<Nav.Link key={} href={}>{}</Nav.Link>
<NavDropdown key={} title={} id={}>
{ => {
return (
<NavDropdown.Item key={item.label}>{item.label}</NavDropdown.Item>
And below is the file that I am pulling the data.
export const menuItems = [
primaryLink: 'Home',
link: '/',
subLinks: [
name: 'tutorial',
subLinksExist: false,
link: '/Home/Tutorial'
name: 'contact',
subLinksExist: false,
link: '/Home/Contact'
name: 'about',
subLinksExist: false,
link: '/Home/About'
name: 'FAQ',
subLinksExist: false,
link: '/Home/Faq'
name: 'version',
subLinksExist: false,
link: '/Home/Version'
name: 'health check',
subLinksExist: false,
link: '/Home/Healthcheck'
primaryLink: 'Configuration',
link: '/Configuration',
subLinks: [
name: 'merchants',
link: 'merchants',
subLinksExist: true,
ariaControls: false,
ariaExpanded: false,
sublinks: [
label: 'Billing Groups',
key: 'billing groups',
link: 'Configuration/Merchants/BillingGroup'
label: 'Billing Group Chain',
key: 'billing group chain',
link: 'Configuration/Merchants/BillingGroupChain'
label: 'Payment Channels',
key: 'payment channels',
link: 'Configuration/Merchants/PaymentChannels'
label: 'Relationship Managers',
key: 'relationship managers',
link: 'Configuration/Merchants/RelationshipManagers'
label: 'Fee Templates',
key: 'fee templates',
link: 'Configuration/Merchants/FeeTemplates'
label: 'Billing Group Disbursement Hold',
key: 'billing group disbursement hold',
link: 'Configuration/Merchants/BillingGroupDisbursementHold'
name: 'partners',
subLinksExist: false,
link: 'Configuration/Partners'
name: 'ODFIs',
link: '/odfis',
subLinksExist: true,
ariaControls: false,
ariaExpanded: false,
sublinks: [
label: 'Bank Expenses',
key: 'bank expenses',
link: 'Configuration/ODFIs/BankExpenses'
label: 'Expense Batches',
key: 'expense batches',
link: 'Configuration/ODFIs/ExpenseBatches'
label: 'Routing Numbers',
key: 'routing numbers',
link: 'Configuration/ODFIs/RoutingNumbers'
name: 'business units',
link: '/businessunits',
subLinksExist: true,
ariaControls: false,
ariaExpanded: false,
sublinks: [
label: 'Support Contacts',
key: 'support contacts',
link: 'Configuration/BusinessUnits/SupportContacts'
name: 'profile',
link: '/profile',
subLinksExist: true,
ariaControls: false,
ariaExpanded: false,
sublinks: [
label: 'API Profiles',
key: 'api profiles',
link: 'Configuration/Profile/APIProfiles'
label: 'Heartland Users',
key: 'heartland users',
link: 'Configuration/Profile/HeartlandUsers'
label: 'External Users',
key: 'external users',
link: 'Configuration/Profile/ExternalUsers'
name: 'system',
subLinksExist: false,
link: 'Configuration/System'
primaryLink: 'Support',
link: '/Support',
subLinks: [
name: 'automation',
link: '/automation',
subLinksExist: true,
sublinks: [
label: 'Alerts',
link: '/Support/Automation/Alerts'
label: 'Subscriptions',
link: '/Support/Automation/Subscriptions'
label: 'Jobs',
link: '/Support/Automation/Jobs'
name: 'consumers',
link: '/Consumers',
subLinksExist: true,
sublinks: [
label: 'Blacklist',
link: '/Support/Consumers/Blacklist'
label: 'Whitelist',
link: '/Support/Consumers/Whitelist'
label: 'Provisional Whitelist',
link: '/Support/Consumers/ProvisionalWhitelist'
name: 'invoices',
link: '/Invoices',
subLinksExist: true,
sublinks: [
label: 'Billing Group',
link: '/Support/Invoices/BillingGroup'
label: 'Partner',
link: '/Support/Invoices/Partner'
name: 'logging',
link: '/Logging',
subLinksExist: true,
sublinks: [
label: 'Failed Api Calls',
link: '/Support/Logging/FailedApiCalls'
label: 'Logs',
link: '/Support/Logging/Logs'
label: 'Emails',
link: '/Support/Logging/Emails'
name: 'ACH files',
link: '/AchFiles',
subLinksExist: true,
sublinks: [
label: 'ACH Entry Finder',
link: '/Support/AchFiles/AchEntryFinder'
label: 'ACH Rejects',
link: '/Support/AchFiles/AchRejects'
name: 'returns',
link: '/Returns',
subLinksExist: true,
sublinks: [
label: 'Return Files',
link: '/Support/Returns/ReturnFiles'
label: 'Return Details',
link: '/Support/Returns/ReturnDetails'
label: 'Exceptions',
link: '/Support/Returns/Exceptions'
label: 'Reinitiations',
link: '/Support/Returns/Reinitiations'
label: 'Notices Of Change',
link: '/Support/Returns/NoticeOfChange'
label: 'Return Reconciliations',
link: '/Support/Returns/ReturnReconciliations'
name: 'bulwark',
link: '/Bulwark',
subLinksExist: true,
sublinks: [
label: 'Risk Rule Configuration',
link: '/Support/Bulwark/RiskRuleConfiguration'
label: 'Risk Rule Enforcement',
link: '/Support/Bulwark/RiskRuleEnforcement'
primaryLink: 'Terminal',
link: '/Terminal',
subLinks: [
name: 'virtual terminal',
subLinksExist: false,
link: '/VirtualTerminal'
name: 'history log',
subLinksExist: false,
link: '/HistoryLog'
primaryLink: 'Sagacity',
link: '/Sagacity',
subLinks: [
name: 'management',
link: '/Management',
subLinksExist: true,
sublinks: [
label: 'Business Units',
link: '/Sagacity/Management/BusinessUnits'
label: 'Merchants',
link: '/Sagacity/Management/Merchants'
label: 'Users',
link: '/Sagacity/Management/Users'
label: 'Global',
link: '/Sagacity/Management/Global'
label: 'GIACT Invoices',
link: '/Sagacity/Management/GIACTInvoices'
name: 'history',
link: '/History',
subLinksExist: true,
sublinks: [
label: 'Bank Accounts',
link: '/Sagacity/History/BankAccounts'
label: 'Consumers',
link: '/Sagacity/History/Consumers'
label: 'Verification Requests',
link: '/Sagacity/History/VerificationRequests'
label: 'Authentication Requests',
link: '/Sagacity/History/AuthenticationRequests'
label: 'Statics',
link: '/Sagacity/History/Statics'
label: 'Failed API Calls',
link: '/Sagacity/History/FailedApiCalls'
It is primarily flagging just the dropdown menus only. If you remove the dropdown components I dont get the error message.
It seems that the output of
is wrapped in a <></>
fragment tag, and the error could be that this does not have an unique key.
Perhaps try give the fragment tag a key such as:
// '<></>' syntax may not work when keyed, might also need to import 'React', index) => {
return (
<React.Fragment key={}>
{!navItem.subLinksExist ? (
<Nav.Link key={} href={}>
) : (
<NavDropdown key={} title={} id={}>
{ => {
return (
<NavDropdown.Item key={item.label}>{item.label}</NavDropdown.Item>
Or perhaps not to wrap the return
in a <></>
, instead do different return
with condition:, index) => {
if (!navItem.subLinksExist)
return (
<Nav.Link key={} href={}>
return (
<NavDropdown key={} title={} id={}>
{ => {
return (
<NavDropdown.Item key={item.label}>{item.label}</NavDropdown.Item>