I need to take a screenshot of an element which is very long and not fit on the screen, I can use headless mode to do this but site doesn't allow me to do even with user-agent and other stuff.
But I can access the site with undetectedChromeDriver, so there's a extension to do this stuff called 'HTML Elements Screenshot'.
That extension will allow you to select element and take the screenshot of an whole element for you.
I automated that process with pyautogui and cv2 but I want to do it without this libraries. Is there any Javascript code to do it ? I did my research but can't find any useful. Thanks in advance
The codes I tried:
def save_screenshot(driver, path: str = 'screenshot.png') -> None:
input('Let it go when u ready.')
original_size = driver.get_window_size()
required_width = driver.execute_script('return document.body.parentNode.scrollWidth')
required_height = driver.execute_script('return document.body.parentNode.scrollHeight')
driver.set_window_size(required_width, required_height)
driver.save_screenshot(path) # has scrollbar
#driver.find_element_by_tag_name('body').screenshot(path) # avoids scrollbar
driver.set_window_size(original_size['width'], original_size['height'])
def saveScreenshot(driver,path: str="screenshot.png"):
input('Let it go when u ready.')
el = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME,"body")