I'm trying to GET some datas FROM an API of Currency Converter. Even passing the right GET URL the "response.body" in coming with null values.
I'm using the Currency Converter API from the website RAPIDAPI (https://rapidapi.com/solutionsbynotnull/api/currency-converter18/)
The Retrofit Endpoint:
interface CurrencyConverterEndpoint {
fun getCurrencyConverter(@Query("from") from: String, @Query("to") to: String, @Query("amount") amount: String): Call<ConvertModel>
The Model of the result from the request:
data class ConvertModel (
val from: String,
val to: String,
val amountToConvert: Int,
val convertedAmount: Double
fun getCurrencyConverter(
from: String,
to: String,
amount: String,
listener: RetrofitListener<ConvertModel>
) {
val getCurrencyConverterCallback = endpoint.getCurrencyConverter(from, to, amount)
getCurrencyConverterCallback.enqueue(object : Callback<ConvertModel> {
override fun onResponse(call: Call<ConvertModel>, response: Response<ConvertModel>) {
if (response.code() == RetrofitConstants.SUCCESS) {
val s = response
override fun onFailure(call: Call<ConvertModel>, t: Throwable) {
listener.onError(t.message ?: "Erro.")
The API expect key
and host
from you. The proper method should be like below:
interface CurrencyConverterEndpoint {
fun getCurrencyConverter(
@Header("X-RapidAPI-Key") token: String = "your API key",
@Header("X-RapidAPI-Host") host: String = "currency-converter18.p.rapidapi.com",
@Query("from") from: String,
@Query("to") to: String,
@Query("amount") amount: String
): Call<ConvertModel>