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Will below command work as it as on jenkins for running my jar file with command line arguments?

I have built an executable jar file which is also a standalone SpringBoot Application. The requirement is that I have to run this jar file from command line which also provides command line arguments which are meant to override properties and will be used further. I have tried and this works perfectly when ran from Windows Command Prompt.

Now I further want to deploy this on jenkins and run the same jar file usign jenkins using the command:Note that the command is important since it overrides

Will it work in jenkins? Should i go with "Execute Shell" or "Execute Windows batch command" for it in jenkins? I would be trying it but need o know .

Command: java -jar myJArName.jar --server.port=10 --another.argument=1 --another.argument=2


  • Yes, you can use execute shell as you mentioned above if:

    • Java is installed on the host that Jenkins runs on
    • java is part of $PATH (you can check this by running which java on your jenkins host)
    • myJarName.jar is actually on the host jenkins runs on

    Btw. I assume Jenkins runs on a Linux host. Otherwise you might have to use Execute Windows batch command which will work in a similar way to execute shell, but I never used it.