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How to retry in the new HTTP interface in Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3

Spring has introduced the new HTTP interface. For exception handling the documentation states to register a response status handler that applies to all responses performed through the client:

WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder()
    .defaultStatusHandler(HttpStatusCode::isError, resp -> ...)

However, it's not clear how to handle retries.

In WebClient you could simple use retryWhen():

public Mono<String> getData(String stockId) {
return webClient.get()
  .uri(PATH_BY_ID, stockId)
  .retryWhen(Retry.backoff(3, Duration.ofSeconds(2)));

I'm not sure how to incorporate retries with the Http interfaces.


  • I figured it out. You need to use an exchange filter. I implemented a similiar solution for a different problem: Adding a retry all requests of WebClient

      TodoClient todoClient() {
        WebClient webClient =
        HttpServiceProxyFactory factory =
        return factory.createClient(TodoClient.class);
    private ExchangeFilterFunction retryFilter() {
    return (request, next) ->
            .flatMap(clientResponse ->
                    .filter(response -> clientResponse.statusCode().isError())
                Retry.fixedDelay(3, Duration.ofSeconds(30))
                    .doAfterRetry(retrySignal -> log.warn("Retrying"))
