I am developing a function "uploading file to Google Drive folder" using c++ / Poco library.
File is always getting uploaded to root folder only
I have added optional parameter parents as below
std::string strParents = "[ { "id": "" + std::string(locationId) + ""} ]"
The code that I am currently using is as below and it uploads to root folder only.
Poco::URI uri("https://www.googleapis.com/upload/drive/v3/files");
uri.addQueryParameter("uploadType", "resumable");
uri.addQueryParameter("supportsAllDrives", "true");
uri.addQueryParameter("name", targetFilePath.filename().string());
uri.addQueryParameter("description", "file from sdk");
uri.addQueryParameter("properties", metaData);
std::string strParents = "[ { \"id\": \"" + std::string(locationId) + "\"} ]";
uri.addQueryParameter("parents", strParents);
Poco::Net::HTTPRequest* req = new Poco::Net::HTTPRequest(Poco::Net::HTTPRequest::HTTP_POST, uri.toString(), Poco::Net::HTTPMessage::HTTP_1_1);
req->add("Authorization", std::string("Bearer ") + accessToken);
req->add("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
req->add("X-Upload-Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
req->add("X-Upload-Content-Length", std::to_string(iFileSize));
//req->add("parents", std::string("[{\"id\":\"") + locationId + std::string("\"}]"));
req->add("parents", strParents); // added here also as a trial
Whatever the format I set for parents option, its uploading to root folder only.
I have found the issue. The issue is with Poco usage.
Its for those developers who are struggling like me.
"parents" should be added as an array object. Not as a single key-value object
if I add as below
fileDataObject.add("parents", "[ id ]");
its taking as a single value. When I stringify the post body, parents value appeared as below
parents : "[ *id* ]"
but it should come as
parents : [ *id* ]
Then I have added it as an array object as below
Poco::JSON::Object fileDataObject;
Poco::JSON::Array parents;
fileDataObject.set("name", targetFilePath.filename().generic_wstring());
fileDataObject.set("parents", parents);