I have a WPF app I want to publish using FTP. But the FTP profile doesn't show for me, despite the fact that it shows in Microsoft's Docs for Deploying your Visual Studio app.
I know it's possible because I did it in VS 2019, although someone did mention that the option was going away. Can anyone help here, is there some kind of service that needs to be reenabled.
I tried enabling ASP.NET development with Visual Studio Installer, but that didn't help.
does not have an FTP publishing option.
Please showcase your posting actions in 2019.
Maybe you want to use asp.net core.
In ClickOnce for .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5 or later, you set deployment properties using the Publish tool instead of the Publish wizard and the Publish page of the Project Designer. For more information, see Deploy a .NET Windows application using ClickOnce
and ClickOnce for .NET
Based on your illustration, I found the following settings in 2022 VS Community 17.4.1 WPF .Net Framework 4.8: