Search code examples

Youtube Data API find similar videos

I am using the Youtube Data API (v3) to find, load and display a video with all its information. However, I want to also show other video suggestions next to it. These should be similar to the content of the video that is currently being watched.

I thought that I could do that with the topicId or the videoCategoryId parameter of the search list. However, I don't know how I can get the category or topic of the main video. All possible information I can get is the following:

  • contentDetails
  • fileDetails
  • id
  • liveStreamingDetails
  • localizations
  • player
  • processingDetails
  • recordingDetails
  • snippet
  • statistics
  • status
  • suggestions
  • topicDetails

YouTube Data API Documentation

How can I get the topic of a video and then use it to find other ones that are similar?


  • There are topicDetails and snippet.categoryId.

    Note that directly using the filter relatedToVideoId from the YouTube Data API v3 Search: list endpoint would maybe make more sense.


    The search.list method's relatedToVideoId parameter has been deprecated from August 7, 2023 by YouTube.,-2023