I've got a git repository with two Maven projects "foo" and "bar". The structure of the cloned repo is as follows:
What I want
Two projects "foo" and "bar" in my workspace with maven nature and working Team menu. I'm running Eclipse 3.7 with m2e 1.0.0.
I tried the following:
Import -> Check out maven projects from SCM
This clones the repo into a new folder in my workspace folder and imports the two projects, but without connection to git (Team menu is mostly empty).
Import -> Projects from Git
With this option I can only import the entire repo as a single general project (with working Team menu). If I then use "Import -> Existing maven projects", the projects foo and bar are imported but without working Team menu.
Is it possible at all to import multiple projects from a git repo with working Team menus?
As far as I know and are able to perform on my setup (Eclipse 3.7, Egit 1.0.0, m2e 1.0, m2e-egit 0.13), it is not possible in a single step. The cleanest procedure that I know of is the following:
Long-winded? Sure. But cloning beforehand gives you control over the folder name you check out to, in contrast to Check out Maven projects from SCM which on my machine produces a "maven_{unix_timestamp}" like folder name.
I agree wholeheartedly with you that a quicker procedure should be available.