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Check if a row contains a negative value, if so, insert that cells first row in specific column

I am trying to figure out something I am not sure can be done with formula's alone (hence the tag of VBA as I am open to VBA-related answers).

As you can see in the screenshot below, I have a column I, in cell I2 (and from I2 onwards, I3, I4 etc) I want to check that cells row (I2 -> J2, K2, L2 etc) and when I find the first negative value, the formula inserts that specific cells first row in that column, in this case, the date of that column.

Current Data View

I am currently using the following formula: =IF(COUNTIF(J2:BJ2,"<0"),"Yes","No")

However, I was not sure how to insert the first negative values date, as you can seen in the next screenshot.

I would like my data to look like the following:

Final Data View

Anyone got any ideas? or is this a VBA task?


  • INDEX/MATCH will do the trick. Wrap it in IFERROR to return the "No" result.


    enter image description here